Monday, June 4, 2007


Omnipresent shadow circling like the hawks you so loved,
constant reminder of what was taken and what was not to be.

The depth and breadth and scope of grief are boundless as I like the mariner strain to see
beyond the horizon, quietly desperate for landing and journey's end.

Is that true? Journey's end is to join you, sweet boy. The adventure's over,
I will have completed the ride. I'm not ready.

Far better to keep you alive in heart and mind, have you share in my journey
with yours so cruelly ended.

We move together, I see through your eyes, I hear your whisper,
I feel your absence. The breadth and depth and scope of love equals the maw of loss.

Ever present boy, you are my shadow. A presence in two dimensions,
the third composed of memory and tears.

Omnipresent shadow, we are joined forever yet not one.
Still, shadowed joy is yet joy.